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Kabul: Suicide blast kills 24

The explosion occurred near the residence of Deputy Chief Executive Mohammad Mohaqiq, near the nearby area of ​​the medication, the attacker could not be identified.
At least 20 people were killed and injured more than 42 in a suicide car bomb near the residence of deputy deputy executive executive Mohammad Mohaqiq at Kabul's Kabul capital Kabul. Sources say the blast near near the residence of deputy deputy executive executive Mohammad Mohaqiq near the abusive drug.
The spokesman for the Afghan interior ministry confirmed the explosion, but he avoided telling the final number of those killed. After the blast, security officials reached the scene and they collected the body's body's body and sent laboratory for the test.
Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif has condemned the allegations in Kabul's intense words, saying that the terrorists are the enemies of humanity, suicide bombings in Afghanistan are sad, he said that we all Together, it has to be torn off the cursor of terrorism so that the peace and security of the world can be maintained worldwide.
